

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Selecting Summer Blooming Bulbs

Bulbs planted in late spring will produce some of the most dramatic colors in your summer and fall garden. You can tuck summer-blooming bulbs among your perennials or create a dedicated summer bulb garden.  Most summer and fall blooming bulbs can be grown in containers and will liven up your porch or deck. Summer blooming bulbs are available now and include canna lilies, dahlias, Asiatic and Oriental lilies, gladiolus and tuberous begonias. 

Asiatic lilies are the hardiest of all the lily hybrids.  If you planted some last year you may see them poking through the ground already. Once they are established in your garden, they'll produce showy blooms for many years. Asiatic lilies spread very quickly. Oriental lilies will generally survive the winter. Oriental lilies won't spread as rapidly as Asiatic lilies, but they tend to be more fragrant. 

Canna lilies feature attractive green, bronze or variegated foliage, in addition to their flowers.  Cannas do well in garden beds and containers. The canna “bulb” is actually a rhizome. 

 Dahlias are grown from tubers and come in a wide variety of colors. Dahlias will bring color to your garden in late summer and early fall. Dahlia blooms are especially attractive to pollinators. 

For more late summer and fall color, plant Gladiolus.

 Tuberous begonias make incredible displays of color in a shady spot on your patio. They can be planted in containers, hanging baskets and directly in the garden. Summer bulbs tend to sell out early, so it’s best to shop now to get the best selection. 

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