

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Summer Lawn Care Tips

Given the type of grass and the soil conditions your grass is growing in, lawn health this time of year is most influenced by mowing and irrigation practices. The vast majority of our lawns consist of cool season grasses: blue grass, perennial rye and turf-type tall fescue or combinations of all three.  These grasses do best in summer when you mow the lawn higher and more frequently.
Start by setting your mower height range to between 3 inches and 4 inches. Mowing cool seasons grasses at this height reduces heat stress on the lawn, retains moisture and encourages deep root development.  Combine the increased height with more frequent mowing. Plan to mow often enough so that you’re not removing more than one-third of the total length.
When you do mow, make sure the mower blade is sharp. Dull blades tear the grass rather than cut it. The results are a ragged look to the lawn and turf grass that’s more susceptible to disease. 
When it comes to watering your lawn, it’s best to water late evening or early in the morning, before 6 am. You want to run your water system for longer periods of time and do it less frequently. For cool weather grasses such as blue grass, fescue and rye, watering deeper and less often will stimulate long root growth. Long, strong root systems use less water to maintain a healthy turf. Ideally, the soil should be moist 4 to 6 inches below the surface, after you finish watering. If you’re watering every day for short periods of time, the water will not get deep enough.  Consider watering when your lawn needs it, rather than on a set schedule.

When t
he color of the lawn turns from green to light gray or when you walk on the lawn and the grass doesn’t spring right back up, your lawn needs water. In addition, continual applications of humate and Revive, along with top dressing your lawn with organic material will contribute to better water utilization, nutrient uptake and turf quality.  

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