

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Some pesky garden things to watch for now.


As temperatures start to cool down, insect activity can increase. Here are several insects to watch for in your garden this time of year.

Pear slugs eat the leaves of pears, cherries, plums, cotoneaster and others. The adult is a glossy black sawfly; it lays eggs in the leaf, which become slug-like larvae. What we’re seeing now is the second generation, which is generally more destructive. Some of these larvae will over-winter underground and emerge next spring to start the cycle again. Control with Sevin or Spinosad.

Aphids come in many colors, not just green. They cause direct damage to plant leaves and they can transmit diseases to the plant.  Apply Neem Oil or Eight, to control.

Wasps and aphids can go hand in hand. If you see a lot of wasp activity in trees, check for aphids. The wasps are there because of the secretions (honeydew, sugars) which the aphids produce. Get rid of the aphids and the wasp problem will be reduced. Also, keep your wasp traps baited and look for the wasp’s nest nearby. Spray late in the evening or early morning.
 Leaf Hoppers show up now,  particularly on tomatoes and grapes, causing leaf damage and reducing fruit quality. Look for blotchy leaves with white spots. Control with Sevin®


Garden slugs can commonly be found under mulch, boards, pots and overgrown vegetation.  Pull mulch back from plants, prune leaves that are close to the ground, apply diatomaceous earth or Sluggo®.

Not sure what’s bugging your plants or lawn. Bring a sample to the Flower Bin Diagnostic Center for identification and control options.

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