

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Plant Tomatoes earlier with a Wall-O'-Water

Eager to get your tomato starts planted but concerned about May's unpredictable weather. Take the uncertainty out of spring planting with a Wall-O'-Water. 
A Wall-O’-Water acts like a mini-greenhouse to protect your young plants from the cold, wet weather we can experience in May. 
Start by amending your garden soil by digging in two to three inches of organic material. Next, open the package and select one of the three enclosed Walls-O'-Water.
An easy way to hold the empty Wall-O’-Water in place is to set it over a 5-gallon bucket.
Fill each of the Wall-O’-Water tubes about two thirds full and then remove the bucket. Once the bucket is out of the way, allow the tubes to fold into themselves. This will form a teepee and help protect your young plants.
Plan to set up your Wall-O'-Water at least one week before you actually set out your plants. This allows the soil to warm up under the Wall-O’-Water and reduces transplant shock. While the soil is warming up under the Wall-O’-Water, start setting your young plants outside for a few hours at a time. This is called “hardening off” and it allows your starts to become accustomed to the outside temperatures and conditions.  When you're ready to plant, pick up the Wall-O'-Water and set it aside.
Plant your tomato in the spot where the Wall-O'-Water has been sitting, then put the Wall-O'-Water back in place, covering the plant. As your plants grow and temperatures warm up, fill up each of the tubes to the top. Keep your Walls-O’-Water in place at least until mid-June and then remove them. You can use Walls-O'-Water for tomatoes, peppers, squash and other warm weather vegetables. 
Walls-O’-Water are available in original green or red and are reusable, so store them in a safe place until next season.  

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