

Thursday, September 28, 2017

How to force bulbs  to bloom indoors 

Forcing bulbs is a great way to bring a little spring color into the house, while it's still winter outside. To force a bulb is to get the bulb to flower indoors ahead of its natural schedule.
Virtually all spring flowering bulbs can be forced, including crocus, daffodils, hyacinths, muscari and tulips. 
Forcing bulbs indoors is easy to do. The key part of the process to bring these bulbs to bloom indoors is to keep them in a cool (35° - 48° F) spot for 12 to 15 weeks.   The vegetable section in the refrigerator is a great spot to chill bulbs. A cool corner of the basement or garage will also work. A cold frame will do, if you mulch the bulbs heavily and keep them from freezing.
Begin by selecting quality bulbs. The larger the bulb, the bigger the bloom will be.
When it comes to containers, bulbs will grow equally well in clay, ceramic or plastic pots, as long as the pot has drainage.
Fill the container about 1/3rd full of quality potting soil. Don't use garden soil. It's too heavy.
Add Happy Frog Bulb Food or Dutch Bulb Food to your potting mix.
Place the bulbs close together, with a little space between each bulb.
Tulips should be placed with the flat side of the bulb toward the edge of the container.
This will allow the first leaves to form a nice border around the edge of the pot.
Fill in enough soil so just the tips are showing. Water the soil and place the pot in a cool (35° - 48°) spot. Spring flowering bulbs require 12 to 15 weeks in cold storage in order to bloom properly. While the bulbs are chilling, they will form roots, so it’s important to water regularly. Once the tips of the bulbs are about 2” high, remove from cold storage and place in a warmer room, with bright, indirect sunlight. Your bulbs can now be treated as any houseplant, water regularly, feed weekly and enjoy your blooms! After blooming, remove the spent flowers. Bulbs may be planted outside after blooming. For longer blooms indoors, stagger start your bulbs several weeks apart. This way, you'll have bulbs flowering at different stages through the winter.
Traditional holiday bulbs such as amaryllis and
paperwhites will bloom for you without going through a chilling period. You can take these bulbs home, plant them in an attractive container, place them in a sunny window and watch them grow.
Amaryllis and
paperwhites are easy to grow in water as well as potting soil.
Starting amaryllis and paperwhite  bulbs at different times will extend your blooms well into winter. 

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