

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer Salvia Care


Salvia is a hardy, aromatic plant that attracts butterflies and bees. They tend to be heat and drought tolerant and they will perform well where other plants wouldn’t.
They do require some care and now is the time to give them some attention. 
 Fertilize with a balanced water-soluble fertilizer such as 20-20-20.
Remove spent flowers back to the nearest node, to encourage more blooming.
Around this time of the season, salvia can quickly go from magnificent upright stalks, to falling over and sprawling on the ground. Some stalks may even show browning. If this is the case, it’s time to give them a really good pruning. Trim your salvia very low now, by cutting the stalks back deeply to the ground, then fertilize with 20-20-20. The plant will reward you with renewed vigor and many more blossoms.


  1. My Salvia leaves have holes in them like something is eating them. Not discolored. What should I use. They get water on the leaves daily.

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