Monday, August 1, 2016

A look back at The Great Pumpkin Contest

Sadly, The Flower Bin has announced that we will not be hosting the Great Pumpkin Contest.
The Great Pumpkin Contest was always a highlight of the season. Each year, on a Saturday in early October, contestants and spectators alike would converge on The Flower Bin to participate and witness the annual Great Pumpkin Contest.
Sometimes pumpkins would arrive in the back of station wagons and sometimes on pallets in the back of pickups. Sometimes, contestants would move their own pumpkins on
a cart or wagon.
Often it took a forklift to pickup the pumpkin and move it to the staging area.
No matter. Each pumpkin was carefully registered, measured and documented.

Lining up the pumpkins in the staging area gave everyone a chance to look at each entrant.
Usually the contest started with the smallest pumpkin and progressed to the largest.
Emcee and Flower Bin owner Don Weakland would signal that he was ready to begin.
Each pumpkin was placed on the digital scale and carefully weighed. The weight was recorded on each pumpkin and the contest proceeded until every pumpkin had been weighed. There were many "oohs and aahs" from the audience as each pumpkin was presented.
Once the weigh in was complete, it was time to hand out the awards.
One by one, each contestant was called to come up and receive their certificate.
Top three winners in
Children's division and
Adult division received ribbons in addition to certificates.
There were pictures taken and monetary prizes awarded for the biggest pumpkins.
The weather was generally good for each of the contests and people enjoyed gathering and discussing pumpkins and gardening in general.
After the contest, the big winner was left on display for all to visit and enjoy.
We thank everyone for their support for and participation in the Great Pumpkin Contests we've held over the years.

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