Monday, July 25, 2016

Coral Bells do great in the shade!

With their colorful foliage, Coral Bells (Heucheras) , will make a statement in your garden, all season long. These perennials feature a wide array of foliage color, texture and shape.
Grown mainly for their colorful foliage, heucheras do bloom. Their  dainty bell-shaped, little flowers extend high above the foliage, nodding in the wind. The flowers are what gives this native plant its common name, Coral Bells.  You'll find Heuchera and Heucherella grouped together on the same display tables. That's because they are virtually the same plant in characteristics and behavior. Heucherella is a cross between Heuchera (Coral Bells) and Tiaella (Foam Flowers) and are commonly called Foamy Bells. Easy to grow, Heucheras and Heucherellas are one of the best ground cover plants for your shady perennial garden. Heucheras and Heucherellas are both rated hardy for Zones 4 through 9 (here on the plains, we are typically rated Zone 5). Coral Bells grow naturally in wooded areas, so you'll want to plant them in a spot where they are shaded from the sun.
They do best in well-amended soils, so plan to incorporate organic material into the planting site soil. 
Once the site is prepared, add some Root Stimulator, before planting. There are many hybrids and cultivars to choose from. Some examples of these are:

Heuchera 'Citronelle'

Heuchera 'Fire Alarm'

Heuchera 'Marvelous Marble'

Heuchera 'Rave On'

Heucherella 'Solar Eclipse'

Heucherella 'Sweet Tea'

Once established, Coral Bells and Foam Flowers require little maintenance and will brighten up the shady spots in your garden for many seasons to come.

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