Thursday, June 29, 2023

How to manage mosquitos in the garden organically

 How to manage mosquitos in the garden organically 

The typical garden has many opportunities for mosquitos to breed and hatch including bird baths, fountains, ponds, flowerpots and saucers under potted plants, watering cans, buckets and pet bowls, tall grass and overgrown vegetation, to name a few. Mosquitos can reproduce in stagnant water as shallow as one inch.  

Make it a practice to walk around the garden and look for areas or things that are holding water and empty everything that has water present. Eliminating standing water is an effective way to prevent mosquitos entering the garden area in the first place. This includes regular lawn maintenance such as mowing and trimming. Well maintained lawns discourage adult mosquitos from nesting.   


Incorporate Mosquito Dunks® or Mosquito Bits® into bird baths, water features, potted plants or anywhere in the garden that has static water. Made of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, these products are natural, and safe and will kill mosquito larvae quickly. Mosquito Dunks® will last up to 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks). Mosquito Bits® remain effective up to 14 days (about 2 weeks).  


Look for products that contain plant essential oils, such as Rosemary, Peppermint, Clove and ThymeThese will control mosquitos in the lawn and around the patio.  

Planting flowers like marigolds and citronella geraniums, along with herbs like basil, lemon thyme, rosemary, mint and lemongrass near the patio or deck can also keep mosquitos away.  

By eliminating breeding spots, utilizing organic controls and plantings, mosquito control can be achieved naturally.   

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