Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Colorful Indoor Plants for Valentine’s Day


Houseplants make people happy. They brighten our homes and offices, elevate our moods, and help clean the air. 

Because there are many beautiful, vibrant houseplants to choose from, you’re sure to find a match for your Valentine’s green thumb.  


Your valentine will think of you every time they water it and care for it. It’s like a little reminder of your thoughtfulness sitting on their desk or on the windowsill.


Some plants to consider for Valentine's Day gifts include Anthurium, Bromeliads, Calla Lilies, Cyclamen, Jasmine, Kalanchoe.  

Anthurium does best in a room where they’ll receive bright, indirect light and the temperature is around 70 degrees.

Most species of Bromeliad can tolerate low-light conditions, making them an excellent choice for indoor gardens.    


Growing Calla Lilies in containers isn’t difficult if you keep them in a bright room where the temperature is around 70°.  


Cyclamen do well in bright, indirect light and cooler temperatures.  

Jasmine plants have beautiful, scented flowers, a great addition to an indoor garden in winter. 

Kalanchoe will do well in the low humidity of most houses this time of year. Place them in a bright room, out of direct sunlight.  




Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to delight that special someone in your life. A live houseplant is a very personalized gift and will remind them of you long after Valentine's Day is over. 





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