Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Colorful Houseplants to Celebrate the Season


While Poinsettias, Christmas cactus and cyclamen are the most popular plants this time of year, if you’re looking for something different to help ring in the new year, think about plants that can be grown successfully indoors year-round. As a rule, these houseplants do well indoors if you locate them where they’ll receive bright, indirect light, average room temperatures and consistent watering. If you struggle with keeping houseplants watered correctly, consider buying a moisture meter to help you decide when to water your plants. If adequate light is an issue, plant grow lights are available to supplement the existing light. Many grow lights will fit a standard lamp fixture, making it convenient to add more light to the area you want to grow in. When it comes to maintaining your plants over-all heath, plan to feed your plants on a regular basis with an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer such as 10-15-10. Listed below are just a few of the plants you can grow successfully indoors.  

Valued for its dark green leaves striped with white veins, the Zebra plant makes a beautiful houseplant. Does best in bright, indirect light.  

Croton also features very colorful foliage.  

Winterberry is a perennial that can be planted outdoors come spring or grown indoors. 

Calathea features bold, oblong leaves.  

Potted citrus offers fragrant blossoms and fruit. 


 Orchids do well in an East-facing window and typically bloom twice a year.  

For low to medium light areas, choose Triostar, a slow growing plant that does well in medium to bright light or 


Chinese Evergreen.  


Pilea, known for their bright green leaves, can adapt to low light areas. 

Many of these plants purportedly bring good luck and fortune. True or not, the addition of plants to your home or office is an excellent way to begin the new year.    


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