Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Plant Spring Color Now

Spring-flowering bulbs are an easy way to add early color to your garden. Tulips, daffodilshyacinths and Dutch iris are available in a variety of colors and bloom times and with a little planning, you can experience color starting in March through late April and sometimes into early May. Actual bloom time will vary season to season, depending on the spring weather, where the bulbs are located in the landscape and planting depth. Bulbs planted near the house or other sources of reflected heat will bloom sooner than bulbs planted in the garden, where the sun hasn’t warmed the soil sufficiently to promote flowering. 

The bulb selection process starts the information printed on each box. There you’ll find the bulb type and bloom time. For a progression of color through the early part of the season, select bulbs from each bloom time: early, mid and late. If you prefer to have a single burst of color, select bulbs from the same bloom times. Choose quality bulbs. Bigger bulbs contain more food energy which means they will produce stronger plants with more impressive flowers. 

While you’re at it, pick up a bag of Dutch Bulb Food. Planted now, bulbs will begin to root and the bulb food will help build a strong root structure. The great thing about bulbs is their adaptability. You can tuck them in amongst existing perennials, in the rose bed or along the borders of your garden. Choose sites where your bulbs will receive at least six hours of sunlight. Bulbs will do okay in partial shade, but bloom best in full sun. Plant bulbs pointed side up, at a depth that’s equal to three times the bulb’s height. For example, a two-inch bulb should be planted six inches deep. 

For best visual effect, plant bulbs in clusters of three or more, spaced three to four inches apart. Mark the spot where they are planted, so you’ll remember where they are next spring. Water the site thoroughly. The only maintenance through the winter is to water every four to five weeks. Come spring, you’ll experience a profusion of colors, signaling the beginning of the end of winter.  

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