Thursday, April 6, 2017

Time to plant colorful Perennials

One of the keys to planting perennials early is to make sure they've been properly prepared to handle  spring's diverse weather conditions. This process is called hardening off and involves gradually conditioning plants to outdoor temperatures, light and wind. Hardening off also reduces the shock plants experience when they're taken from their nursery pot and planted in the ground. The process is easy, but it takes time.
In the case of these perennials and shrubs, they've been hardened off and are ready to go into the ground now.  After the storm passes, the weather will warm up and the soil will dry out.
How can you tell if the soil is dry enough to dig in? Squeeze a handful. If it stays in a clump, it's still too wet. If it crumbles, it's dry enough to plant in. Amend your planting spot with compost and peat moss.
Add some Root Stimulator and you're ready to plant perennials such as:
Columbine aquilegia 'Winky Double Red & White',
'Daring Do' a
dwarf bearded iris that blooms now and then reblooms later in the season
Long-blooming hardy geraniums grow very quickly in full sun 
Dianthus 'Everlast™ Orchid' 
English Daisies have long been popular as spring bedding plants. They will do well anywhere in the garden or in containers;
Primrose and many others can all be planted now. Don't overlook hardy bulbs such as asiatic and oriental lilies. These bulbs will add summer and fall color to your garden for many seasons to come.
Hops don't add much color but these quick growing vines can provide a background for your more colorful perennials.
Early spring is a great time to plant colorful perennials. Wait for the soil to dry out, add some amendments to the planting area, feed with Root Stimulator and your spring perennials will be off to a good start. 

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