Tuesday, October 6, 2015

2015 Giant Pumpkin Contest

The Flower Bin 2015 Giant Pumpkin Contest


Saturday, October 10th, 2015 marks the 20th annual Flower Bin Giant Pumpkin Contest.
This contest is sanctioned by the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth (GPC), the association of giant pumpkins growers throughout the world. GPC is the organization that sets the standards and regulations for each contest. This ensures that each weigh-off site and every participating grower are held to the same standards and rules.
Pumpkin growers begin arriving early Saturday morning. All of the entries must arrive by 11 AM. This is an exciting time for everyone.
Pumpkins arrive in the back of the SUV, in pickup trucks and on trailers. Some can be carried by wagon while others need a forklift. Each entrant is registered and tagged.
There is an adult division and a children's division for those pumpkin growers age 12 and under. At noon, the contest officially begins. Each pumpkin is carefully weighed on a digital scale. The weight is then recorded. After all of the pumpkins have been weighed the awards are presented.
In the children's division, first, second and third place winners receive ribbons. All of the entries in the Children's division receive honorable mention ribbons.
In the adult division, cash prizes are awarded for the top three heaviest pumpkins. First place is $500, second place is $300 and third place is $100. Joe
Scherber won the 2014 Giant Pumpkin Contest with a pumpkin weighing 1073 pounds. There are prizes for “Best Looking Pumpkin” and for “Best Field Pumpkin”.
Long gourds are also judged at this contest. This annual event at The Flower Bin provides a great opportunity for pumpkin growers of all ages to celebrate their accomplishments.


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