Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Taking care of your Legendary Hanging Basket

Flowering Million Bells are petunia look-alikes and they are a perfect choice in your Legendary Hanging Basket. Million Bells (Calibrachoa) come in a wide variety of colors and will bloom continuously all summer.

Million Bells flowers have a dense trailing habit, so your plants won’t develop that spindly look in mid-summer. They bloom non-stop, with no dead-heading required.
They are resistant to tobacco bud worm and with proper care can produce stunning color all season long. Million Bells do best in full sun. They will do okay in dappled shade or afternoon shade but they perform best in full sun.  
Million Bells do require water and fertilizer to keep their color going strong. Check the water twice daily, once in the early morning and again in the early evening. A simple check to see if your basket needs watering is to lift it from underneath. If the basket feels light, it needs to be watered. If it feels heavy, it doesn’t need water.
Feed your Million Bells flowers every 10-14 days with Fertilome 20-20-20 hanging basket fertilizer.
Each Legendary Hanging Basket comes with a care label. In addition,  The Flower Bin staff will be glad to answer any questions you might have about taking care of your Legendary Hanging Basket, as well as other plants in your garden.


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