Thursday, June 27, 2024

How to Care for Your Garden When It’s Hot

When it comes to doing chores in hot weather, it’s important to remember that a well-cared for garden depends on a well-cared for gardener. That said, consider the following tips. Work in the garden during cooler hours, preferably early in the morning or in the evening, if early morning isn’t an option. Take frequent breaks and stay hydrated. Wear sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat. In addition, choose lightweight, light-colored clothing. Tie a wet bandana around your neck.  

Now that you’re prepared to work in the garden, here are some are things you can do to help your garden thrive even during high heat.  

Make sure your plants get enough water Water regularly and deeply. Soak don’t sprinkle. Water early in the morning and water each plant deeply to ensure they receive enough hydration. Extreme temperatures can impair their ability to take up water through their roots, so consistent watering is crucial. The ideal time to water is in the cool hours of early morning. This allows the water to penetrate deeply into the soil and reach the roots, giving your crops a proper drink before temperatures increase.   

If early morning watering is not feasible, the next best option is to water in the late evening. Ensure you water at the base of the plant and avoid the leaves, as leaving them wet overnight can also invite unwanted. 

Add mulch. Mulch improves moisture retention and helps keep the weeds down Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of your plants. Soil Pep is a good choice for your vegetable garden, because you can use it as a soil conditioner after the season is over.  Keep it 2 to 3 inches thick and maintain a few inches of space between the mulch and base of the plant. This will create a moat effect for catching water.  

Make your own shade. When it comes to extreme heat, the most important observation is when and where the harsh afternoon sun hits the hardest. Tomatoes and other sun-loving plants will benefit from some late afternoon shade. Shade cloth or netting can help your plants a lot in hot weather by protecting them from both the heat and the sun. Hang the netting several inches above your crops by using hoops or wooden frames. Shade cloth is easy to set up and remove, helping your plants stay cooler.  


Make sure your plants get the right nutrients. Fertilize with a low number organic fertilizer such as 5-7-3. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers. Tomatoes and vegetables need more phosphate for roots and blooms, not vegetation growth. Fertilize in the evening on well-hydrated plants.   


Keep the weeds under control. Weeds are competition for water and soil nutrients so keeping them under control will help your garden plants absorb the most water and nutrients they can get from the soil.  

Don’t forget your plants growing in pots and hanging baskets. They’re going to need more water as temperatures rise. 


As a gardener, self-care is always important, especially when it’s hot. Gardening during hot weather can be challenging, remember to work in the garden early in the morning, dress appropriately, and stay hydrated when it’s hot outside.   

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Pollinator Week


The first step is to recognize that it doesn’t take a total makeover of your garden to provide support for pollinators.  Supplying nectar and pollen rich plants, along with a source of water and some shelter even on a small scale can significantly increase support for pollinators. Here are some tips to create a more pollinator-friendly garden, even on a small scale.  

It’s also important to realize that in addition to honeybees, bumblebees, native bees, butterflies, moths, flies and more also fill a role as pollinators in our landscapes and gardens. To attract the greatest diversity of pollinators, we need to supply a source of food and water and shelter.    

As pollinators land on a flower in search of protein-rich pollen or high-energy nectar, they collect pollen in pouches on their hind legs, as shown on this bee. As they go from flower to flower, they deposit the pollen, fertilizing the plant and allowing it to reproduce.  

Because of their ability to dislodge pollen by grasping a flower in their jaws and vibrating their wing muscles, bumble bees are important pollinators of crops such as tomatoes and peppers.

The key to attracting and supporting pollinators is to offer plants that provide pollen and nectar through the season. This can be accomplished by including annuals and herbs in your garden, along with perennials and native plants.  

Native plants include Columbine, Native Bee Balm, Rocky Mountain Penstemon and Sunset Hyssop.   


Perennials with good sources of nectar and pollen include Asters, Black-eyed Susan, Columbine, Coneflower, Digitalis, Gaillardia, Joe-pie Weed, Mums, Penstemon and Sedum.  

Planting in groups or clusters will bring a focus to your landscape and save pollinator’s energy searching for food. 

Annuals such as Sunflowers, Zinnias, Marigolds, Lantana, Salvia will help fill in any gaps in the seasonal bloom cycle. 

Pollinator-friendly shrubs in your garden should include Blue Mist Spirea, Lilac, Rose of Sharon, Weigela and Butterfly Bushes.  

Beyond perennials, annuals and flowering shrubs, think about incorporating bulbs and herbs into your pollinator garden.  

Herbs such as chives, basil, comfrey, mint and lavender. 

Cover crops such as Crimson Clover attract pollinators and can be worked into your garden to improve the soil once it stops flowering.  

In the fall, plant spring blooming bulbs such as crocus, hyacinths and tulips to support early foraging pollinators.   


Gardening with pollinators in mind should include accessible water. This could be a shallow pot saucer or a birdbathPlace some flat stones in the birdbath or saucer so pollinators will have a place to land and drink safely.  


Consider leaving a patch of the garden uncultivated for bumble bees that burrow. For wood and stem-nesting bees, hang a nesting block or place one on the fence or bench.  



If you don’t have a traditional garden space where you can plant directly in the ground, you can plant in containers and place them on your patio or deck. Select a few different kinds of plants of varying heights, colors and textures. Pollinators will find them. 


Even a small pollinator garden will help support bees, butterflies and other pollinators. With some thought and planning, you can create a destination that pollinators will be attracted to.